We are excited that your child is joining us for a great week of summer fun!  

Please read the following information to ensure your child is well-prepared for the week.

LOCATION: The Medway Middle School is located at 45 Holliston Street. To park, turn onto Kelley Street then take the next left into the parking lot. The sign-in/sign-out table is located down the sidewalk next to the softball field. 


  • Camp runs from 9:00am to 4:00pm.  Campers will be greeted by a staff member at the sign-in table for check in each morning. Please wait at the table with your child until camp staff is at the table for sign-in. Only early drop off children may sign in before 9:00am.

  • Early drop-off begins at 8:00am and late pick-up ends at 5:00pm. Campers must sign-up ahead of time to participate in the early and late options.  Early and Late Stay is a full week commitment. Early and late options are NOT available on a day-by-day basis. 

  • Please pick your child up on time. If a parent is late, a fee of $1.00 per minute after the first 3 minutes,  will be charged.

SIGN IN: All children must be signed-in and signed-out every morning and afternoon. Touch-free sign in and out will be done by the camp staff. Children may not sign themselves in or out of camp.  An Adult must be present at drop-off and pick-up. If arriving late, or if your child is  absent on any day, call or text Melanie Dawson, Camp Director, at (# to be provided at a later time) or Christine DeCristoforo, Assistant Camp Director, at (# to be provided at a later time).

PICK-UP: If there are changes to the person picking-up at the end of the day, provide the  name and cell number of the pick-up person to adult staff at sign in. The new pick-up person must present a driver’s license at pick-up.


  • Campers will be assigned to a group on Monday morning

  • The camper’s group number will be posted on the “GROUPS” board located near the check-in area. Campers and counselors will remain with the same group all week. 

  •  Groups will be organized by age, although there may be an overlap of grades within groups 

  •  Two groups will travel together throughout the day, so each child will have the opportunity to play with friends in both groups. Groups 1 & 2 share the same schedule, Groups 3 & 4 share the same schedule and Groups 5 & 6 share the same schedule throughout the day. 

  •  Group placement cannot be changed during the week. We do our best to honor requests if the request is made by Wednesday prior to the week your child is attending camp (email Melanie - to be supplied at a later time).

MEDICATIONS: Notify head staff of any new allergies or special needs if not already noted on your child’s registration form. 

  •  If your child is on medication, please administer it before leaving home

  •  If your child requires medication during the day, a note from both the doctor and parent is required.  All medications are kept in a locked strongbox.

  •  Epi pens travel with campers to activities throughout the day. Please give your child’s epi-pen to an adult counselor at drop off. 

  •  In the event of an injury, counselors will administer first aid.  A parent will be notified immediately of a head injury or other serious injury.


  • Please bring a backpack with a change of clothes, beach towel, sunscreen, large filled water bottle, snack and lunch. Swim shirts and bathing suits are recommended for the sprinkler and giant water slide play.

  • Children in groups 1-4 (grades K-3) must wear their bathing suits to camp upon arrival.  Others should wear bathing suits to camp to avoid multiple trips to the bathroom for changing. 

  • Children may wear flip flops/sandals, but sneakers and socks are required for certain activities.  Remember to label everything!

  • Please do not bring any toys, electronics or cell phones to camp


  •  Send a cooler with a healthy lunch, several snacks separated in a labeled snack bag (not packed in the lunch box) and an ice pack as lunches are stored outside 

  • Friday is pizza day! Lunch from home is not required, but don’t forget to pack extra snacks! Each camper gets 2 slices of pizza.

  •  Please inform the Director of any food allergies, if not already noted when registered

  • Summer Adventures follows the school policy regarding peanut allergies and is a “peanut-sensitive” program.


  • Bring a FILLED insulated water bottle or jug every morning. Label your child’s water.

  • Camper’s are required to carry their water with them to all activities in the fields or gym. Camper’s water is outside all day and gets warm quickly in plastic bottles. Poland Springs and other store brand disposable water bottles are not acceptable as they get warm, thrown away, lost and are difficult to refill.

  • Parents will be contacted to drop off a water bottle if your child comes to camp without one.

SUNSCREEN: Apply sunscreen before arriving in the morning and send extra sunscreen in your child’s backpack to be reapplied during the day. Counselors will help with sunscreen reapplication after lunch. Please label your child’s sunscreen.

SANITIZING: Staff will sanitize tables, bathrooms and high traffic areas throughout the camp day.  Campers will wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer before meals and as needed.

DAILY ACTIVITIES: Campers will enjoy a variety of activities throughout the day.  Waterplay, crafts, games, sports, indoor gym-time, tennis and the Burke-Memorial School playground are some of the “STATIONS” campers will visit with their groups.  Morning and afternoon “STATIONS” offer interactive, fun choices for everyone. 

WORKS OF ART: Completed daily arts & crafts projects must go home at the end of each day.  Check your child’s backpack for their daily craft projects.

LOST AND FOUND: Please check the wagon by the sign-out table for missing items. Clothing, water bottles, hats, sunscreen etc., will be placed in the wagon. Unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the summer.

IMPORTANT STAFF INFORMATION: The best way to reach Melanie Dawson (Director) or Christine DeCristoforo (Assistant Director) is to text or call their cell phones.  If you are unable to reach them, please Community Education at 508-533-3222, Option 4.


  • Thursday is field trip day! Each week a sign will be posted at the sign-in table with that week’s field trip.

  • Children should not wear bathing suits on field trip day. Campers must still bring a lunch and water bottle, to be enjoyed during the trip. 

Please contact Melanie Dawson or Christine DeCristoforo with questions.  We look forward to having a great summer with your child/children.

General Camp Requirements

  • The Camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Health (105 CMR 430.000), and be licensed by the Town of Medway Board of Health.  Information on 105 CMR 430.000 can be obtained at 617-983-6761.

  • Families may request copies of background checks, health care and discipline policies, as well as procedures for filing grievances.