Please note that the Medway School Committee will hold its scheduled meetings tonight. The Meetings include:
6:30 P.M. Public Hearing on FY21 Medway Public Schools Budget - Agenda
7:00 P.M. Medway School Committee Meeting - Agenda
Based on the recommendations and orders of the Governor, and adjusted requirements of Open Meeting Laws, in-person attendance will not be allowed at tonight’s meetings. Community members may participate in the meeting remotely. The meetings will be streamed live on Medway Cable and Facebook . In addition, anyone wishing to offer comments during the FY21 Budget Public Hearing should log into Zoom Meeting, credentials below, and indicate they have a comment when asked. Additionally, you may share public comments with the Medway School Committee Secretary, Ellen Quinn, ahead of the meeting by emailing her at Your comment will be read during the public comment section of the meeting. To view:
Comcast: Channel 11
Verizon: Channel 36
Zoom Meeting Information
Topic: School Committee Meeting
Time: Mar 19, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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