Superintendent's Update

September 15, 2020  

Dear Medway families, 

We know you have received a significant amount of communications as of late. As we ready for our first day of school tomorrow, we wanted to share some important information with you.  



Armand Pires, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Day One Contact Information

We understand that there may be some bumps as we start the school year.  Please see the list below with important contact information for you to reach out should you have questions or concerns.

Transportation questions: 508-533-3222 x 3157 

Chromebook/Internet/ZOOM access questions:

Virtual Learning School Model: Sonja Metcalf,

Grades PK-1, McGovern Elementary School - 508-533-3243

Grades 2-4, Burke-Memorial School -508-533-3266

Grades 5-8, Medway Middle School - 508-533-3230

Grades 9-12, Medway High School - 508-533-3227


The revised version of the 2020-2021 transportation routes are posted on our website.  As you know, the cohorting of students and the various considerations for bus safety and capacity required a different process for ensuring that students had scheduled, safe transport to our schools.   Should you have any questions or concerns about a specific route, please contact Don Aicardi at

Important Information from Medway School Health Services

The Medway school nursing team has assembled important information related to COVID-19 for parents and guardians to review including information about student screening, masks, the flu vaccine, and positive cases of COVID-19.  This information can be found here

Face Mask Policy

At their September 10 meeting, the School Committee approved the Face Mask Policy.  The full policy can be read here

Technology Update

We understand that the video conferencing tests have not gone as smoothly as everyone would have liked over the past two days. We continue to manage the issues found during these tests and will compile our best practices and response here. This document is being written currently so please bookmark the link and return to find the latest information regarding video conferencing.

As we enter the new school year, we are making efforts towards a hands free environment. This includes attendance, scheduling meetings, and even lunch lines.  We strongly encourage all students with cell phones to download the Infinite Campus App for students. This application includes the student barcode for scanning in most locations. We will also have printed IDs  and barcodes for all students as we integrate these scanning options at school.

Parents are also encouraged to activate their Infinite Campus account to access key information on grades, student attendance, and to complete the Beginning of Year Packet. For more information on parent access and how to complete tasks, click here. If you need an activation code, please email Our most exciting module disbursed this year is the Parent Absence Request form, which is now built into Infinite Campus. 

Nutritional Support / Remote School Lunches

In order to ensure that children’s nutritional needs are satisfied during this period of remote learning, we are offering any Medway resident under the age of 21 the opportunity to access free school meals every day of the week and/or food to prepare meals at home.  For more details about these offerings and to sign-up for remote meals please click here.   

Upcoming Events

September 16, 2020

First day of school

September 24, 2020

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 6:00 p.m.

September 28, 2020

No School: Yom Kippur

October 8, 2020

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 6:00 p.m.

October 22, 2020

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 6:00 p.m.