Superintendent's Update

Dear Medway families, 

We were excited to share with families of students in grades 6-12 that our full return date has been set for April 12.  All students in the hybrid model will move to a full, in-person experience beginning on this date.  For the week of April 12, students will attend in-person on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesday, April 14, we will continue our remote learning day as currently scheduled.  Upon the return from April vacation, beginning Monday, April 26, students will be in a full, five day each week, in-person experience.  It is important to note that any students who are in the Virtual School model (Cohort D), will stay in full virtual for the remainder of this school year.

As was shared last night during our Full Return Webinar for families, the return to school for students in grades 6-12 will require that we reduce distances to less than six feet in many classrooms.  Due to this, we are strongly encouraging that families participate in the student COVID-19 testing program that is currently underway. The information gained from this testing program will ensure that we understand the prevalence of the virus in schools. Importantly, participation in regular testing, and the identification of COVID-19 positive individuals will likely shorten exposure to others in schools and reduce overall close contacts.  This program has been implemented to support our return to school and we are targeting a minimum of 70% participation for our students in grades 6-12.  Your child's participation will also have the benefit of being protective to your family and others with whom your children are spending time.  

To sign up for participation in the weekly COVID-19 student testing program, please see additional information below.



Armand Pires, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools

IMPORTANT REMINDER:  Wednesday, March 10 is a Full School Day We have moved our scheduled early release day to March 24.  This Wednesday, March 10, is a full school day.  

FY22 Budget and FY22 Budget Events On Thursday, March 4 at 5:00 p.m., the School Committee and Dr. Pires hosted a webinar for interested community members regarding the FY22 budget.  The recording of this webinar is here and the presentation that was shared can be found here.

This webinar was followed by the presentation of the Superintendent’s FY22 Budget to the School Committee.  This presentation can be found here.  Additional events connected with the FY22 Budget Process can be found below.

Charting the Course - District Improvement Update and Budget Overview Presented to the School Committee

On Thursday, February 25, Dr. Pires and Ms. Abrams presented Charting the Course: District Improvement Plan Update and FY22 Budget Overview to the School Committee.  This presentation highlighted the priority areas to be addressed in the Superintendent’s FY22 Budget.  The presentation can be found here

Public Hearing on FY22 Budget 

On Thursday, March 18, at 5:30 p.m. community members are invited to share thoughts regarding the proposed FY22 budget with the School Committee.  This is the final opportunity for community feedback prior to the School Committee vote on the FY22 budget planned as part of the regular School Committee meeting agenda later this evening.  Feedback shared at the hearing will be acknowledged and noted and there will not be a dialogue during the Budget Hearing. Registration is required, please click here

FY22 Budget Vote

On March 18, at 6:00 p.m., the School Committee will vote to forward the proposed FY22 budget to the town as part of the FY22 Town of Medway budget.  

Town Meeting

Community members are encouraged to attend Medway’s Town Meeting on Monday, May, 10, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., Medway High School, 88 Summer Street, when residents will be asked to vote on the Town’s FY22 budget which will be inclusive of the FY22 Medway Public School’s budget.

2021-2022 School Calendar

The 2021-2022 School calendar was approved at the February 25 School Committee meeting and can be found here

COVID-19 Testing for Students:  It’s Not Too Late to Enroll Your Medway High, Medway Middle or Burke-Memorial Elementary Students 

If you would like your child to participate in pool testing, we ask that you complete and return the attached Student COVID-19 Testing Consent Form as soon as possible.  The form should be completed, signed (we can not accept an electronic signature), scanned, and returned to us via email to: If you have already submitted a consent form, you do not need to submit another form. The previously completed consent form is valid for the rest of the school year. 

If you would like a paper copy of the consent form, you can pick one up at your child’s school.  

Questions or concerns about the consent form or the testing program can be directed to Kylie O’Neill at

Also, please find the following informational resources that may be useful:

Explanatory Video on How to Scan and Email a Document

Recording of Medway Public School Webinar- January 27, 2021

Slideshow about Regular Student Testing Program from Webinar 

FAQs for Student Testing

On Monday we started COVID-19 regular testing at Burke Memorial.  We successfully tested over 100 students.  If you would like to enroll your child in student testing at Burke-Memorial please see the links above.   

At this time we have little interest in regular testing at McGovern Elementary School.  As a result of this low interest, we will not begin regular testing at the McGovern at this time.  We will revisit this decision should interest in participation increase.

Grade K-5 Literacy Audit Planned

As part of the Medway Public Schools Curriculum Review Process Cycle, this year is slated for a review of our Grade K-5 Literacy Curriculum (standards’ aligned resources, assessments, instruction).  We have recently partnered with Hill for Literacy to support our work in this area.  Our work with Hill will involve two parts:

Phase 1: Part I Needs Assessment

Goal 1:  Collaborate with Medway Public Schools to identify and assess their literacy system, including curriculum and associated materials, assessments, technology uses and systems; identify needs, and recommend priorities. 

Phase I Part 2: Development of a District Literacy Plan and Activity Timeline

Goal 2:  Collaborate with Medway Public Schools to develop a literacy plan that clearly articulates action steps for the areas of leadership routines, multi-tiered instructional model, professional learning, data-based decision making and family engagement.

As with all of our processes and reviews, family feedback and engagement are crucial to the success of this process.  We will be sharing opportunities for families to engage in this process in the coming weeks.

2021-2022 School Year Kindergarten Registration

The district opened registration for incoming kindergarten students for the 2021-2022 school year on March 1, 2021. More information can be found here.

COVID-19 Reporting Hotline  If your child tests positive for COVID-19, please call 508-321-4779 or email  Using the hotline helps to ensure an efficient response and protects student privacy.  If you are not reporting a positive COVID-19 test result but have questions about COVID-19 and your child, please contact your school nurse.  

New COVID-19 Safety Guidance from DESE In the last couple of weeks, school districts across the Commonwealth received updated COVID-19 safety guidance from the state connected with transportation and with singing.  We are working with our building leaders to identify the most logical and safe way to move forward based on this guidance.  You can find all of the DESE COVID-19 safety guidance posted here: Coronavirus/COVID-19: Guidance/On the Desktop Messages ( 

2021-2022 Medway Middle School Program of Studies The 2021-2022 Medway Middle School Program of Studies changes were presented to the School Committee on March 4, 2021.  A vote to approve these changes will take place at the March 18 meeting of the School Committee.  The presentation that was shared can be found here.

Technology Update The IT department strongly encourages all students and families to manage their technology devices as safely as possible.  Supply chains for new devices and repair parts are stretched to the limit, with many devices and parts not available for the foreseeable future. This is causing prolonged repair times. Please take care of and speak to students about proper care of the devices.

In addition to the above, as we approach the the MCAS testing season, the IT department requests that all students in need of device repair please inform our department immediately. This will ensure devices and students are prepared for the testing windows with a fully functioning device. Support can be reached by emailing

We will provide more details about end of year device collection as we move deeper into the spring.   

Student Accolades! We are pleased to celebrate several students who have recently been recognized for their hard work!

Student Participation in Central District Massachusetts Music Educators Association 

We are pleased to share and extend congratulations to the following Medway High School and Medway Middle School students who were accepted into the Massachusetts Music Educators Association Central Junior Districts Festival:  

Medway High School Jaina Campbell

Bella Diamandis

Sienna Flotta

Macie Hoben

Megan Keavany

Lily Mitchell

Alexandra Montana

Medway Middle School

Victoria Bullard

Victor Chaudoir

Haley Gales

Jenna Westervelt

Palak Yadav  

Medway High School Math Team Accolades

Congratulations to the Medway High School Math Team, who are competing for their second year in the New England Online Math League.

With one more contest to go, they are three points away from being in the top-scoring high schools for New England.  

The Math Team members are:  

Simon Beyzerov

Rebecca Chlebboski

Ava Fahey

Katie Gage

Alex Montana

Destiney Ojukwu

Jess Signore

Nick Tomasetti 

Lilly Woodard

Palak Yadav 

Medway Public Schools In the News

Student Pooled Testing

In Person Learning

STEM Grant from Exxonmobil  

Press Release: Medway High School Senior Runner-up in Lions Club District Youth Speech Competition

Press Release: Medway High School Receives College Success Award For Academic Achievement and College Preparednes 

It is time to ROCK YOUR SOCKS for the MFPA!

The MFPA is holding our first fundraiser for the 2020-2021 school year, March 10 - March 19.  We are selling 'Crazy Socks' with the help of our Medway High School and Medway Middle School students.  Just ask a student to send you a link or email the MFPA and you can buy some fun socks to support the MFPA endeavors. 


Support of this fundraiser does double duty!

Did you know socks are the most requested and least donated item of clothing?!  For every 2 packs of socks sold, the organization will donate a pair of high quality socks to Medway Food Pantry and the St. Joseph Parish Boston Homeless Ministry. Our goal is to sell 500 packs of socks 

What will your MFPA donations be used for?

Over the last 8 years, the MFPA has been able to support the Performing Arts in Medway in a variety of ways; instrument lesson scholarships, a portable sound system, financial support for enrichment activities, support of high school and middle school musicals, and support of MICCA and the All-State Festivals. We are pleased to announce that this year we will be offering two scholarships to graduating high school seniors.

If you would like to donate funds directly, the MFPA accepts Venmo and PayPal.

Venmo:  @medwayfriendsofperformingarts


Upcoming Events

March 15, 2021

MFE Meeting, Virtual, 7:00 p.m.

March 18, 2021

Public Hearing on FY22, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, Budget, Registration required, click here. 5:30 p.m.

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 6:00 p.m.

March 24, 2021

Early Release:  All Schools:  Professional Development

MSPTO Meeting, Virtual, 7:00 p.m.

April 1, 2021

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 6:00 p.m.

April 2, 2021

No School: Good Friday

April 12, 2021

First Full Return, In Person Day of Learning for All Grade 6-12 Students!

April 13, 2021

MFPA Meeting, Virtual, 7:00 p.m.

April 15, 2021

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 6:00 p.m.

April 19-23, 2021

No School: April Vacation

April 28, 2021

MSPTO Meeting, Virtual, 7:00 p.m.