Superintendent's Update dated 11/22/22

Dear Medway families, 

As you receive this update, the first quarter of the school year has been completed.  It is hard to believe we are already at this milestone.  This first quarter of the year has been filled with incredibly hard work, efforts to rebuild connections throughout our community, and continued focus on improvement during a more normal feeling year.  We continue to be deeply appreciative of the persistence and dedication of the faculty and staff in our schools as they put our students first - every day. 

As we get ready to break in recognition of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a moment to thank the community.  Thank you for your trust, partnership, and patience as we continue to work to meet the needs of our students.  Through collaborative efforts and opportunities to come together, I know we will ensure that students and their needs remain our collective focus.

Happy Thanksgiving - I hope that you are able to take some time to be with the people who are most important in your life.  Please find several updates and informational items below.

Be well,


Armand Pires, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Superintendent Chats

The return of Superintendent Chats provides a forum for school and district leaders to provide updates and information and an opportunity for community members to learn and seek clarity around a number of topical issues relevant to our Medway students and families.  

Last week was our first Superintendent Chat of the year, which was focused on Student Services.  Dr. Place, Director of Student Services, shared a brief overview of programmatic highlights within his office and families had the opportunity to ask questions.  You can find his informational slides here. 

Save the date! Our next Superintendent Chat will take place on Thursday, December 1 at 5:00 p.m. in the Presentation Room at Medway Middle School (Door #7) around the topic of Assessment for Student Learning.  

FY23 Budget Update and Looking Ahead to FY24

At the most recent School Committee meeting, we provided the committee with an update on the current school year (FY23) budget status.  As shared, we have seen an increase in costs associated with anticipated substitute costs, specialized transportation, tuition for out of district placements, and overall salaries.  We are working to quantify the magnitude of the additional costs, and to identify ways to ensure a balanced budget as we move forward in this school year. We will provide additional updates to the community as information becomes available.

Inclement Weather 

It is the goal of the district to hold school whenever possible.  Parents and students should plan accordingly and leave plenty of time on winter mornings to arrive at school safely.   Please know that the final decision about a child attending school during a weather event always rests with individual families.  There may be occasions when deteriorating weather will mean that schools close due to unsafe conditions.

The superintendent will review anticipated road and sidewalk conditions, access to schools, projected weather forecasts, and consult with the police and public works departments in order to make a determination between approximately 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. if conditions will be safe for students to come to school.

The following plans will be in effect for inclement weather:

No School Announcement

If the superintendent has determined the conditions are unsafe, school will be canceled.  The district will utilize the emergency notification system that will contact your home/cell phone and  email using the information you have provided to your child’s school.  The “no-school” announcement will also be carried on local television channels 4, 5, and 7. 

All classes, school activities, before and after school programs, the Medway Extended Day program (MEDI), daycare program, adult education evening classes, and any school facilities use activities will be canceled.  Transportation of students to out-of-district schools will also be canceled.

One- or Two-Hour Delayed Opening Announcement

If the superintendent has been notified that the public works department needs additional time to plow or sand the streets to ensure safety, then a determination for a one- or two-hour delay may be made.  As with no-school announcements, the delayed opening announcement will be made using the emergency notification system to home/cell phone and email and carried on local television channels.

Please keep in mind:

  • Bus routes will begin by a one-or two-hour delay, including all special education transportation for out-of-district schools.
  • Do not send your child to school earlier than the delayed opening, as the school grounds may not be plowed and there will be no staff available to supervise early arrivals.
  • PreK ½ day sessions will take place if a one hour delay is called, and will be canceled for a two hour delay.
  • School lunch will be served at its regularly scheduled time.

Schools will be dismissed at their regular times.

Emergency Early Release Announcement

If a severe weather condition or other emergency develops during the school day, the district may release students before the typical end of the school day.  Parents will be notified by home/cell phone and email and the announcement will be carried on local television channels, and displayed on the district website.  As appropriate, the district will work with public safety officials to shelter students in the district if unable to send home.


Inclement Weather Bus Stops for Walkers

We understand that inclement weather days can prove challenging to getting your child to school.  If your child(ren) is/are typically a walker and you are unable to find another means of transportation during inclement weather, or when sidewalks have not yet been plowed, please complete this brief form .  We will use this information to set up “inclement weather bus stops.”   We have provided this service as a way to support safe transportation to school.  Please note that these stops will only be activated during storms or following a storm when sidewalks have not yet been cleared, and as communicated. We will communicate additional information when bus stops have been established.  


Additional Reminders for Parents

Be sure your child’s school has your updated contact information.

Have a family emergency plan in place so your child knows what to do if sent home for any of the reasons noted above.

If your child is regularly driven to school and you or he/she feels it is unsafe to drive during the inclement weather, please determine an alternative means of transportation to school.

Equity Steering Committee

We reconvened for our second meeting of the Equity Steering Committee on Tuesday, November 14.  The goals for this meeting were to collaboratively take steps to define “equity” and to begin to discuss the 3 priorities that were the outcome of the assessment.  These areas include:

  • Develop the professional climate where adult and student diversity and perspectives are valued.
  • Support a student/learner climate where student diversity and perspectives are nurtured and valued.
  • Establish common instructional practices that improve equity and inclusion.

We next meet as a Steering Committee on December 7.  

Medway High School Musicians Join Central District Senior District Festival

Congratulations to several students from MHS who auditioned for the Massachusetts Music Educators Central District Senior District Festival and were accepted to participate in this incredible opportunity. The students listed below were accepted into the ensembles and will be rehearsing with the other schools’ accepted students under the direction of top-notch conductors, culminating in a performance at Mechanics Hall in Worcester on January 14, 2023.



Andrew Bennett

Olivia Dwyer

Joey Gangitano

Nora Keavany

Maeve McKean

Andy Morris

Caleb Perkins

Matt Shawlis



Abigail Brown

Kathryn Gage

WIlliam George

Alexandra Montana

Timothy Reda



Ava Fahey

Wellness Program Update Shared with School Committee

On November 17, Director of Wellness, Ryan Sherman, shared a wellness program update with the School Committee.  This update highlighted some of the major initiatives that took place between May and November, the evolution of the District’s approach to social/emotional learning over the past five years, and the positive impact our efforts are having on student’s access to mental health supports.  The presentation can be found here

Student Shadow Visits

We are so excited to resume Shadow Days again!  As a reminder, Shadow Days are opportunities for Superintendent Armand Pires, Assistant Superintendent Gabby Abrams, and Director of Student Services Ryan Place to spend ½ day with randomly selected students *(principals identify) so that they are able to “walk in the shoes” of the students and stay connected with the student experience.  We appreciate these days so very much as they also provide us with an opportunity to connect differently with our students, which we truly love.  

Families of students who have been selected to be shadowed will be contacted in advance.

Medway Fall Town Meeting

The Fall Town Meeting provided an opportunity for the Select Board to identify a few areas of need pertaining to the school district budget considerations for FY24 and beyond.  We were appreciative of the mention by Dennis Crowley, Select Board Chair, and hope that this will result in additional fiscal support moving forward.  

Spring 2022 MCAS Presentation

During the November 17 School Committee meeting, district and school administrators presented an overview of the Spring 2022 MCAS results.  The presentation can be viewed here.

Fuel Assistance Available 

If you are a one-person household and make less than $40,951 per year or a two-person household and make less than $53,551 per year, you may qualify for home fuel assistance.  A full eligibility and benefits chart can be found here. Medway Outreach Workers Marcia Lombardo and Kim Cookson are happy to help you apply for fuel assistance or answer any questions.  They can be reached at 508-533-3210 or  Please note if adults in your household are not U.S. citizens, but a child in the home is a citizen, you can still apply for fuel assistance. 

Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media

Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools  Facebook:  @medwayps Instagram: @Medwayschools

Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool Instagram: @medwayhighschool

Medway Middle School: Twitter:  @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool  Instagram: @medwaymiddle31

Burke-Memorial Elementary:  Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial    Instagram: @burkememorialelem

McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem Instagram: @mcgovernelem

Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce  Facebook: @medwayce Instagram: @medwaycommunityed

Upcoming Events:

November 23, 2022

Early Release Day: All Schools

Medway Middle School- 11:02 a.m. 

Burke-Memorial Elementary- 11:30 a.m.

Medway High School- 11:34 a.m.

McGovern Elementary- 12:00 p.m.

November 24-25, 2022

No School: Thanksgiving Recess

November 30, 2022

Teacher Conferences, Medway Middle School, 6:00 p.m.

Medway High School Science O Regional Meet, Milford, 3:00 p.m.

December 1, 2022

Superintendent’s Chat: Topic: Assessment, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 5:00 p.m.

School Committee Meeting/Tri-Board Budget Reconfiguration Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 6:00 p.m.  

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 7:00 p.m.

December 7, 2022

Equity Steering Committee Meeting, Medway Middle School, 5:30.-7:30 p.m.

MSPTO Pop-Up Shop, Guidance Area, Medway High School, 6:00 p.m.

MSPTO Meeting, Guidance Area, Medway High School, 7:30 p.m.

December 13, 2022

Medway Middle School Winter Chorus Concert, Auditorium, Medway High 

School, 5:00 p.m.

December 14, 2022

Medway High School Artwalk, Guidance Area, Medway High School, 6:00 p.m.

Medway High School Winter Concert, Auditorium, Medway High School, 7:00 p.m.

December 15, 2022

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 7:00 p.m.

December 20, 2022

Medway Middle School Winter Band Concert, Auditorium, Medway High 

School, 5:00 p.m.

December 23, 2022

Early Release Day: All Schools

Medway Middle School- 11:02 a.m. 

Burke-Memorial Elementary- 11:30 a.m.

Medway High School- 11:34 a.m.

McGovern Elementary- 12:00 p.m.

December 26, 2022- January 2, 2023

No School: Winter Break

January 3, 2023

All students return to school from Winter Break

January 4, 2023

SEPAC Meeting, via ZOOM, 7:00 p.m.

January 5, 2023

School Committee Meeting, Presentation Room, Medway Middle School, 7:00 p.m.

January 10, 2023

Medway Friends of Performing Arts Meeting, Virtual, 7:00 p.m.

January 11, 2023

Medway High School Science O Regional Meet, Medway, 3:00 p.m.

T.H.R.I.V.E.: Impact of Student Sleep on Academic and Athletic Performance, Judith Owens, MD, MPH, GoToWebinar, 7:00 p.m.

January 14, 2023

Senior Districts Concert, Mechanic Hall, 4:00 p.m.

January 16, 2023

No School: Martin Luther King, Jr Day