As you may know, the weather has resulted in several road closures throughout Medway. We have been in ongoing communication with Town officials as the situation continues to evolve. We will be conducting a typical school dismissal today. After-school activities have been canceled. Given the traffic challenges, we anticipate that getting students home may take longer than usual. Also, there are locations throughout Medway that are impassable. Traffic detours are expected. If the bus cannot safely transport students to their typical stop, students will be returned to school for parent/guardian pick up. Staff at each school will call impacted families if/when students are returned to school sites. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we collectively navigate these weather-impacted challenges.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
school dismissal
We confirmed that MSPTO is holding their Gift Wrapping Fundraiser TONIGHT, 12/18, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in the high school lobby! The weather will clear up by then, so bring your wrapping paper, drop off your gifts, and let us do the rest! We will send you a text with everything is ready for pickup. Make your donation by cash, check, or Venmo.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
mspto gift wrapping
The Community Update dated December 14 includes an expression of heartfelt appreciation to our families and the broader community for your unwavering support and trust. Your partnership with us plays a pivotal role in ensuring that our schools effectively meet the diverse needs of all our students. A reminder we will have an Early Release on Friday, December 22. The release times are as follows: Medway Middle School: 11:02 a.m. Burke-Memorial Elementary: 11:30 a.m. Medway High School: 11:34 a.m. McGovern Elementary: 12:00 p.m. There will be no school Monday, December 25, 2023 thru Monday, January 1, 2024. We will return to school on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
community update
During the week of February 5, 2024 the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education's Office of Public School Monitoring will conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of Medway Public Schools. Please see the attached letter from Dr. Place for more information.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
DESE - TFM 2024
MSPTO's Gift Wrapping Fundraiser is Monday, 12/18, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in the high school lobby! Bring your wrapping paper, drop off your gifts, and let us do the rest! We will send you a text with everything is ready for pickup. Make your donation by cash, check, or Venmo.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
MSPTO Gift Wrapping Fundraiser
Lauren Nassiff and Melissa Greenfield will be at the Muffin House Cafe this Friday, December 15, from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss any School-related matters. We hope you can grab a cup of coffee and chat!
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Muffin House Coffee Hours
Are you trying to find something special for your student's teacher or a Medway staff member? Think about giving the gift of charity by donating to the MFE in their honor. We will send that particular educator/staff member an MFE holiday card on your behalf. Use this link to donate: or Venmo @MedwayFoundation.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
MFE Happy Holidays
The Budget Fundamentals Webinar originally planned for Thursday, December 14, at 6:00 pm, has been POSTPONED. Stay tuned for a new date to be announced soon.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Are you trying to find something special for your student's teacher or a Medway staff member? Think about giving the gift of charity by donating to the MFE in their honor. We will send that particular educator/staff member an MFE holiday card on your behalf. Use this link to donate or Venmo @MedwayFoundation
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
MFE Happy Holidays
Budget Fundamentals Webinar: On Thursday, December 14, at 6:00 pm, the community is invited to participate in a webinar where we will provide an overview of the district budget. Due to the timing, this presentation will focus on school district finance fundamentals and not the specifics of the FY25 budget. To register for the webinar, please use this link:
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Budget Fundamentals
The School Committee will be holding office hours again this year. Lauren Nassiff and Melissa Greenfield will be at the Muffin House Cafe on December 15 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss any School-related matters. Upcoming coffee hours: January 20 and February 7 at Mickey Cassidy's from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
School Committee Office Hours
The next school committee meeting is Thursday, December 7, at 6:00 pm. Agenda items include the presentation of the Light the Spark Award by the Thomsen family, the introduction of Claire Mullen, Student Advisor to the School Committee, and the Mass Student Award. Presentations include Chapter 70, Innovative Pathways, & 24/25 Transportation Program updates and recommendations. 2024 budget status update, the first reading of the 24/25 school calendar, and a School Committee Community Engagement update. The full agenda can be read here:
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
School Committee Meeting
There will be an Elementary Early Release Day on Wednesday, December 13. The release times are as follows: Burke-Memorial Elementary: 11:30 am. McGovern Elementary: 12:00 pm.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Early Release Day
MSPTO's Gift Wrapping Fundraiser is Monday, 12/18, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in the high school lobby! Bring your wrapping paper, drop off your gifts, and let us do the rest! We will send you a text with everything is ready for pickup. Make your donation by cash, check, or Venmo.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
MSPTO's Gift Wrapping Fundraiser is Monday, 12/18, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in the high school lobby! Bring your wrapping paper, drop off your gifts, and let us do the rest! We will send you a text with everything is ready for pickup. Make your donation by cash, check, or Venmo.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Superintendent’s Update, dated November 29, represents the first of our new format. In one streamlined design, we have compiled all district communications from the 2023-2024 school year. Please click here to read more:
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Community Update
All schools will be closed for winter break from December 25 to January 1. We hope you enjoy a well-deserved break with family and friends.
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Winter Vacation
Medway Public Schools is hiring for the following positions: Maintenance Technician-full time Coach-Football, head varsity Daily substitutes (teachers/paras) Daycare teacher/Teacher Assistant Long Term Sub-Specialized Para Long Term Sub-PreK Teacher Paraprofessional - Instructional & Program Teacher - English Language Learner Teacher - Special Ed Interested applicants are asked to apply via School Spring or email resume and references to
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Open positions
Friday Night Done Right is 12/15! This FREE youth drop-in program is for students( grades 5-8). Enjoy pizza, sports, crafts, music as well as age-appropriate movies, inflatables, visits from a certified therapy dog, etc. Sign up here:
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Friday Night Done Right
MSPTO's 9th Annual Holiday Pop-Up Shop is this Wednesday, November 29, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in the lobby of Medway High School. Get started on your holiday shopping!
9 months ago, Medway Public Schools
Holiday pop-up shop