A sneak peek at our 6th graders at Nature's Classroom! Students are enjoying themselves and having fun!
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Students gathering in tent after breakfast
A high percentage of Medway youth are learning to manage their mental health concerns, and most are supported by a parent or caregiver. Those caring for children with mental health concerns often feel overwhelmed with figuring out how to best support their loved ones while finding time for self-care. Paula LeBlanc, Famly Partner at You Inc., will be facilitating a monthly group aimed at supporting caregivers of children with mental health concerns and creating peer connections. The first meeting will occur at the Medway Public Library, 26 High Street on September 28 at 6:30 PM. For a full meeting schedule, topic descriptions, and to register, please click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yobv3kp8FcRuNcfIpwSNGehaFtjjJxcX/view
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Caregiver Connections & Support Group
Medway Middle School Handbook- Action Needed Please read the 2022-2023 Medway Middle Student- Parent School Handbook https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t7i9qAWkPWPZBDo1awP8oYhsn7a2b8nnZYk3DcBCBVc/edit#heading=h.ru4cz7q8t45. It has important information for students and families. Please complete this Google Form https://forms.gle/78dAGbDctYzv28fx9 by Wednesday, September 21, 2022 to confirm that your family has reviewed the Handbook.
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
MS Handbook - Action Needed
Medway Schools and Public Health Department have partnered to offer a COVID-19 and influenza vaccine clinic. The COVID-19 vaccine will be offered to children ages 6 months to 11 years old, and the flu vaccine will be offered to anyone over 3 years old. The vaccine clinic will be held at the Burke-Memorial Cafeteria on October 6 and November 3, from 3:30-6:00 PM. For more details and to register, please click here https://www.medwayschools.org/article/836326
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
COVID/FLU Vaccine Clinic 10/6 & 11/3
Our Guidance team is here to support your child throughout the school year. Should you have questions or concerns about your child's social-emotional development or adjustment to middle school, please reach out to your child's counselor. As a reminder, all questions related to academic concerns should first be directed to your child's teacher as the teacher will best be able to respond to questions about your child's academic performance. Guidance Team Mr. Marcus Hatt- Grade 5 and Grade 7 A-FE Mrs. Taralynn Turner- Grade 8 and Grade 7 FI-MC Mrs. Kelsey Yim - Grade 6 and Grade 7 ME-Z
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Meet your Counselor!
The next meeting of the School Committee is Thursday, September 15 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the presentation room Door #7 at the Middle School 45 Holliston Street. Agenda items include the review of the following policies: fuel-efficient vehicles, school admission & dress, non-discrimination including harassment & retaliation, equal employment opportunity, professional staff positions, equal educational opportunities, school choice, pest management control, emergency closings, buildings, and grounds management & security & student discipline. The introduction of SEPAC and an update on the entry plan by Dr. Ryan Place, Director of Student Services. www.medwayschools.org/Agenda
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
School Committee Meeting on Thursday, September 15
It's a beautiful day outside, but fall is right around the corner. Check out the Community Bulletin and get started on making your fall plans! https://conta.cc/3RPpQ8f
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
community bulletin - September 9
Our Guidance team is here to support your child throughout the school year. Should you have questions or concerns about your child's social-emotional development or adjustment to middle school, please reach out to your child's counselor. As a reminder, all questions related to academic concerns should first be directed to your child's teacher as the teacher will best be able to respond to questions about your child's academic performance. Guidance Team Mr. Marcus Hatt- Grade 5 and Grade 7 A-FE Mrs. Taralynn Turner- Grade 8 and Grade 7 FI-MC Mrs. Kelsey Yim - Grade 6 and Grade 7 ME-Z
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Meet your School Counselor!
Please complete this short survey and be entered to win a gift certificate to a local establishment. The information being gathered is to ensure that the coalition's prevention efforts will effectively address the local challenges and reinforce the protective factors to keep and improve Medway as a healthy and safe community, especially for youth. Find the link to the survey in the post below. www.medwayschools.org/SUPMedwaySurvey
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
SUP Medway - please take a short survey
Chromebook Insurance For all Grade 5-12 families: Due to the high repair rate during the 2021-22 school year, the cost to insure devices has risen from $20 per year to $32. If you wish to purchase insurance, please visit the Insurance and Break/Fix website for more details, repair costs, and access to the insurance purchasing portal. We have secured one to four-year insurance options through Worth Ave Insurers. Please note that the insurance policy does not cover lost or stolen devices. The policy does not cover the charging unit. Charger replacement is available at $20 per charger through the Technology Department. We encourage all families of students with district owned 1:1 devices to secure insurance and to also discuss the proper care of devices with their children. Stressing that these are school-owned, that families are responsible for the cost of repair, and that vandalism will not be tolerated are important. Damage inclusive of keys being pulled off the keyboard, carving into the device, disassembling, cutting cables, or personalization (stickers/writing), is not allowed. The cost of repairing the device is the family's responsibility, up to the full replacement value [$350] of the device. Any damage deemed as vandalism will not be tolerated and is subject to disciplinary actions including loss of device use and suspension.
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Chromebook Policies
On Tuesday, September 20th students will take the first of three Panorama surveys given througout the year. The survey asks students their thoughts and feelings about a variety of social and emotional learning topics. We use the survey results to plan programming and student supports. All student voices are important and we are looking forward to continuing to learn from, and respond to, our students' feedback. A copy of the survey for our school will be available in the Middle School front office for viewing between 8:30 am and 1:30 pm starting Wednesday, Sep 7th. You may opt your student out of this administration of the survey by completing the Panorama Survey - 9/20/22 - Middle School Opt-Out form by the end of the school day on Friday September 9th. For questions about the survey please contact Mr. Dave Elsner, Grade 5-12 School Counseling Coordinator.
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Panorama Survey
Follow all Medway Schools NOW on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! Like or follow one or all of Medway Public Schools! Fb: @medwayhighschool @medwaymiddleschool @burkememorial @mcgovernelem Twitter: @medwayhighinfo @medwaymiddle @burkememorial @mcgovernelem Insta: @medwayhighschool @medwaymiddle31 @burkememorialelem @mcgovernelem Please note, these pages are for information sharing ONLY. All questions should be directed to your child's school or teacher.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
follow all medway schools on social media
All Medway Middle School sports are all cancelled this afternoon due to inclement weather.
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
We appreciate the support that families have played in getting students to school on time. On-time school arrival is one of our goals this year. When students arrive to school on time, they have the opportunity to socialize with friends and settle into the school day. As a reminder, school starts at 7:25am. We will begin to welcome students into the building at 7:15am. Please do your very best to have your Middle School students to school on time each morning. It really makes a huge difference in their start to the day.
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
A Note from  the Principal
Medway Middle School's Department of Performing Arts will be presenting James and the Giant Peach this fall. Students in grade 7 & 8 who are interested in auditioning should visit the MMS Performing Arts webpage which is linked here: https://sites.google.com/medwayschools.org/jgpauditionsite?authuser=0. As we have shared on the Mustang Message, video submissions are due through the google form linked above by 5:00pm on Monday, September 5th.
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
James and the Giant Peach Announcement
Reminder - Medway Middle School is CLOSED today, Monday, September 5 in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. We welcome all students back to the classroom on Tuesday, September 6. Enjoy the holiday!
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Medway Middle School will be CLOSED on Friday, September 2, and Monday, September 5 in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. We welcome all students back to the classroom on Tuesday, September 6. Enjoy a safe and fun long weekend with family and friends!
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
We had our first fire drill today. We are proud of our students as they responded quickly and quietly. Thanks to Medway Fire Department for their support. We appreciate their partnership.
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Medway Fire Department Outside of MMS
Ms. Luizzi addresses the 8th graders about some exciting changes to the lunch and recess schedule.
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
8th grade lunch
It was great to have students back in the building today. Throughout the halls, students were collaborating, working in groups and building connections!
about 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
4 students collaborating in class
4 Students spending time getting to know one another
Students working in groups during science class